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Memory Lane page title

Welcome to page 10 of our Memory Lane feature where you will find lots more exhibits from
the early days of the marquetry movement and the formation of our Society.

This page features a handy method of copying any design placed on one side of the vertical
window onto a blank sheet of paper placed on the opposing side!

In the days before universal computer useage, scanners and printers were not tools we
had to hand to perform the copying process. Our only easily obtainable equipment
for this task was the good old tracing paper, but this was not always the
most effective solution, being somewhat opaque.

The Relection Sketcher saved the day for us at the time, and made accurate
copying quite a bit easier. Check it out.

Anyway, please do enjoy this wonderful find from marquetry's formative years
along with us, thank you :

Basic equipment
A very simple copying device which allows you to copy a mirror image of any design you place on your chosen side of the vertical 'window'

The sketching view
Looking through from from the left side, you can draw a copy of the design of the design you will see reflected in the vertical window on the blank sheet of paper on the right by following the design as seen here

Instruction Sheet
Instruction Sheet

© 1993 Bandwagon.Inc.

Hunting design
Hunting Design

© 1993 Bandwagon.Inc.

Cow design
Cow Design

© 1993 Bandwagon.Inc.

Tiger design
Tiger Design

© 1993 Bandwagon.Inc.

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If any of you, our readers, have any items you would think suitable for this page,
would you photograph them and send the picture to us by either e-mail
(as jpeg pictures) or, if an actual photo, to our "Contact Us" address.
We will be very pleased to display suitable "Memory Lane"
items on this page for everyone to enjoy.

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